[ giant crumbling temple ]

[ inside temple…not the crumbling one. ]
[ super speedy tuktuk cars ]

[ fruit market…got some for the hotel. most looked better than it tasted. 🙁 ]

[ We got to ride elephants! Crazy. They take giant poops. ]
[ floating market ]
[ sunrise over Angkor Wat ]

photos taken by me
Thailand and Cambodia were hot, sweaty, dirty, insane, and awesome. I saw some of the most amazing sights everrr, including a cross-dressing show. If Thailand and Cambodia aren’t on your list of places to go, add them. So worth it.
Yours, Etc.
so beautiful!! I love thailand! and ankor wat is on my bucket list!
It was amazing! 🙂 You will LOVE Angkor Wat!
WOW! I wish I could go there.
♥ Please check out my blog http://www.shanicexoxo.info and hopefully subscribe.
It's so worth the heat, humidity and mosquitoes…and that's saying a lot coming from me. haha 🙂
WOW! Lovely pictures! Looks like it was a fun trip:)
It was! 😀 And thanks–I went a little snap-happy while I was there! haha
Oh wow your photographs are gorgeous. I went to Thailand last year and had just the best time ever. Cambodia is next on my list, along with Vietnam, Philippines and Laos.
Thank you! 😀 Thailand really is awesome. I really want to go to Vietnam, too! <3
These are amazing pictures, thanks so much for sharing. I can't imagine seeing wild monkeys walking around everywhere! I'm really sensitive to heat but I'd love to go to Thailand one day. The temples are just breath taking. You're such a lucky girl getting to go on such a fabulous vacation!
Thanks! I love photography but am a total amateur, haha. I'm so grateful have been able to go–t was an amazing trip. You will love Thailand if you go! The best thing I can recommend is lots of cotton tshirts. The heat and humidity are insane!
Amazing images Allison!! Gorgeous!
I am so jealous! If you don't mind me asking, did you book through a travel agency? I'd love to go to another country but I'm worried that I wouldn't be properly prepared if I planned it on my own.
Your photos of Thailand are really wonderful. I'll be sure to be back this year. Thanks.
Angkor Wat is currently my desktop background and my phone background. I am obsessed with going to Cambodia!!! Your pictures are amazing. I definitely need to get there ASAP.
Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me–I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com
I simply love the last picture, I think that you captured a great moment there. Great job.