It’s February! ♥ And as much as you may try to convince me that Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday crafted by card companies to boost sales, I really don’t care. *flips hair* Not like we should need a holiday to celebrate love, but it never hurts to give our significant others a little push in the right direction. 😉
I don’t usually cover lingerie on my blog, but with Valentine’s Day rolling around, my email has been absolutely bombarded with some of the cutest lingerie sets EVER(!!!), so I figured I’d share my favorites in case you guys are looking for some new underpinnings! 😉 I tend to use this holiday as an excuse to invest in some cute new sets, so I figured I couldn’t be alone. 😛 I mean really, how amazing is that mint babydoll from Cacique?!

Shop the looks here!
1. Cacique exclusively at Lane Bryant 2. Cacique exclusively at Lane Bryant 3. Cacique exclusively at Lane Bryant
♥ Which ones are your faves? Are you picking up something new for Valentine’s Day? 🙂 ♥

Great suggestions.:) My fav is the mint one as well. So cute and sexy. I don't think I'll be buying anything new for Valentine's. I have some new pasties I need to put on.;)
Diana from
Hahaha! Oh pasties. Dying.
Great selection! Love the sultry sexy ones. But I'll probably won't need the lingerie 🙂
My fav is the 3rd set; cute! Now how do I get my bf to buy it for me…?