I love Taiwan–every time I come back I can’t believe how long it’s been since my last visit. Yet, nothing ever really changes. It’s the same Old-World-meets-New-World feeling–questionable street vendors selling fragrant food alongside newly built high-rises and 5 star hotels. Tiny, family-owned grocery stores with fresh produce standing next to electronics stores full of the latest above-my-comprehension technology. I love all of it and always leave wishing I had more time to soak it all in. (Hoards of mosquitoes not included.)
Unfortunately, the weather has been solidly miserable–torrential downpours obliterating any chance of going to my favorite outdoor markets and shopping areas. If you ever go to Taipei, make sure you take the time to go to Dan Shui, a gorgeous oceanside town with tons of tiny little shops and food vendors. Get the sugar cane juice from the guy with the clear bottles with red caps. So so so good. I’m praying that the daily storms die down just so I can go fulfill my craving.
Now, for the fashion. The girls here always wear some mix of conservative, girly, dolled-up cuteness. A very small percentage takes the edgier road with all-black “tough” looking outfits, but the majority of women here seems to embrace the color pink. And I mean really embrace. The young women here rarely go out in flats–it seems that a minimum of 2 inch-tall heels are the norm. Hair is always impeccably colored, curled, and coiffed, and makeup is always done, regardless of the blistering heat and suffocating humidity. The fashion is adorable, but can look so out of place in the US. It’s almost childish, the amount of bows, ruffles, and lace adorn the majority of clothing here. I am so enamored with it though. After a long trip here, I find myself scouring the US stores for all things girly and frilly. It wears off eventually, but my trips here have definitely affected what my closet looks like. If the weather allows the trip, I’ll take some photos of the outdoor markets and clothing stalls (which are always ridiculously cheap, unfortunately both in price and quality) to share with you guys.
Anyway, I’m off the go find the English section of this bookstore! Bye guys!
Yours, Etc.
Welcome to this half of the earth! 🙂
btw, there are some plus size stores in Taiwan in Wu Fen Pu.. One's called OrangeBear & This: http://www.minime.com.tw/index2.php
Quality's might not be up to certain individual's standards but you might get lucky n find something nice!
Enjoy the street food!!
Thanks sooo much for the tip on shopping places at wu fen pu, felly!
I always go but never buy anything since nothing usually fits. My issue with the quality is usually the knits–usually scratchy and they fall apart! Sadness!
Thanks again! 😀 I'll definitely keep a lookout for those stores! 😀
Check thoroughly for slipped stitches & little holes though! Have fun shopping 🙂
Have fun! I hope the weather picks up. xo
Wow in Taiwan —- Have a great visit!!!
Hopefully you can take pictures – I want to see girliness! Sometimes I just want to wear bows and lace but it's just not me LOL
– Sarah
hope you have a lovely time! shop for us all honey! 😀
xx Anika