Don’t make fun of me! I’m so awkward hahaha. =/
You can find LB’s mini-write up about me on the Inside Curve website here. 🙂
If you haven’t already, definitely check out the Inside Curve community–it’s a great way to find out about all sorts of news and exciting goings-ons at Lane Bryant! I’m personally psyched to hear about the launch of Loop18–it’ll be in Lane Bryant outlet stores come July 23rd and should be in regular Lane Bryant stores and online not too long after that! 😀 You can check out some awesome preview pics on their Facebook page. 🙂
Thanks so much again to Lane Bryant for planning & fully sponsoring this amazing trip!!! You guys are the best!! 🙂
Yours, Etc.
Looks great! 🙂
I really like your blog and oh love your shoes!
You look so pretty! love your blog. xo
so cool!
You interview very well! Nicely done =]
Allison, you're anything but awkward! Great video –
TOO CUTE! Love the video you look great!
you're such a sweety, great video! 😀
I loved it! Your pompadour look was soooo cute!!! 🙂
You are not awkward at all! You look great!
you sound really different from what i imagined lolz not that i sit around and imagine your voice or anything 😛